Train with Maria Ganci
The following comprehensive training programs are designed to empower clinicians by making them competent professionals capable of providing effective treatment and support to young people and families dealing with an eating disorder.
I am committed to ensuring that my training is informed by the latest research and innovative best practices that equips trainees with the most up-to-date knowledge and techniques.
I also take a proactive stance in thoroughly understanding both parents and their young person and believe in the importance of taking a holistic approach in treating eating disorders. I firmly believe in the individuality of every family and adolescent, and my training approach, whilst adhering to a manualized structure, also accommodates their unique needs, fostering a more effective and personalized learning experience for the family.
My commitment is to ensure that my training fully prepares trainees to deliver high-quality care to every family and young person.
Clinician Training in Adolescent & Parent Treatment (APT)
APT is a manualized treatment specifically designed for adolescents 12-24 years of age with Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Atypical Anorexia Nervosa (AAN). APT takes a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses many of the limitations of other eating disorder treatments for adolescents.
APT takes the view that both physical and psychological recovery is required to be truly free from anorexia. Weight restoration alone is insufficient for recovery. APT helps the adolescent develop an awareness of their personality traits and temperament that placed them at risk and usually maintain the eating disorder and teaches adolescents how to use these traits as strengths.
Additional components of the treatment involve helping adolescents address any underlying issues that led them to develop anorexia, as well as helping the adolescent to manage any co-morbid diagnosis such as an anxiety disorder, OCD, and/or depression. APT combines intensive parental re-nourishment with individual psychological therapy for the adolescent. The treatment includes psychological treatment modules and tailored resources including a book and journal for adolescents to support their treatment.

Physical Recovery
APT takes the view that adolescents are unable to achieve physical recovery on their own therefore need their parents/carers to support and take charge of their re-nourishment to achieve full physical weight restoration. The treatment team for APT includes an adolescent eating disorders specialist dietitian to support parents and carers.
Psychological Recovery
APT provides individual sessions for the adolescent to address the psychological aspects of the illness via specific modules whilst parents undertake the tasks of re-nourishment. The modules teach the adolescent how to stand up to their anorexia whilst helping them manage their developmental challenges. It also promotes the development of a core sense of self and teaches them how to manage their emotions. This psychological input also supports parental refeeding.
APT training is provided over 2 days and is for experienced eating disorder therapists – see ANZAED practice & training standards for mental health professionals who have a desire to extend the treatment options for adolescent clients and their families with anorexia nervosa.
A Pre-requisite for clinicians undertaking the training is a strong knowledge base of adolescent eating disorders and experience working with adolescents and their families together with a good understanding of developmental theory and family systems theory. This training fulfils the first component for accreditation as an APT therapist with the second component being APT case supervision hours.
The next training is planned for April/May 2024. Please register your interest via the link below, or please contact me via my email if you are unsure if you meet the training requirements.
Training for Clinicians on how to run a “Parent Education & Skills Training Workshop”
The inclusion of parents/carers in any adolescent eating disorder treatment is critical, hence I developed a Parent Education and Skills-Based Workshop based on my “Survive FBT” and “Hold my Hand” books. These workshops are evidence-based and show, that with sufficient education, parents can navigate treatment confidently, develop a greater understanding of how to support their child, and are able to achieve early weight gain.
The training covers all the main tenants of treatment that support parents – Understanding the illness and impact on their young person; understanding the components of refeeding; learn distress management strategies and how to speak to their child; help parents understand their adolescent’s profile; promoting parental unity; and how to improve parental attunement.
Training is available to organizations and clinicians who wish to implement parent training and skill development workshops.
Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about this training.
More from Maria Ganci
Read helpful articles written to help parents and carers of adolescents suffering from eating disorders. Learn tips and ways on how you can help your child lead a better life.
Explore helpful videos on Meditation using water, air etc, Learn at Home and other videos that are focused on treating children and adolescents with Eating Disorders.
Explore the 4 amazing books by Maria Ganci that are written to specifically support and guide parents, adolescents, and clinicians through treatment of adolescents.
Maria Ganci is committed to providing a high standard of clinical supervision, consultation & training in the treatment of eating disorders both nationally and internationally.