Books By Maria Ganci
Unpack Your Eating Disorder
An invaluable resource for adolescents suffering from anorexia nervosa.
There are few things more difficult for an adolescent than battling Anorexia Nervosa (AN). While family, caregivers, and friends can support them to eat and recover, psychological recovery is a solitary journey clouded by fear and uncertainty where they are overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, shame, and disgust about who they are and how they look.
This book has been written specifically for the adolescents who are on this terrible journey. The authors promote the view that adolescents deserve to be fully involved in their treatment, to be heard, and to be given a voice to tell their story. It is through being understood by others that they can then understand themselves and make progress on their journey to recovery. This book emphasizes the crucial need for adolescents to develop a deep sense of who they are and an awareness of the many valuable resources which they can draw upon despite their internal conviction that they have none.
Every aspect of AN is addressed with a focus on helping adolescents understand that they do not need the illness to function. It helps them explore ways to stand up to AN instead of being captive to the illness and provides multiple methods for overcoming significant obstacles that AN puts in their way. Most importantly, it outlines a framework of psychological support for adolescents during the recovery process.
The information in the book is based on the latest evidence and the authors’ combined clinical expertise over many years of working with adolescents and listening to their needs. This book is also a valuable resource for parents to help them understand and support their child as well as an indispensable guide for clinicians working in the field as it provides several effective treatment strategies focusing on adolescents.
Letting Go of ED: Embracing Me
Recovery from an eating disorder is very difficult as it makes you believe that you cannot function without its presence. This journal offers a practical approach to helping you overcome your eating disorder using evidence-based strategies that harness the power of your brain to rewire itself.
The skills and confidence you will develop using this journal will help you on your journey of self-discovery and recovery. You will be shown how to apply powerful techniques focusing on self-compassion, gratitude, connectedness, mindfulness and emotional awareness that help you push back against your harsh inner anorexic voice. Your daily commitment to the exercises in this journal encourages brain neuroplasticity which is the brain’s own ability to effect change that can give you back control over your eating disorder and your life.
This journal was developed as a companion to Unpack Your Eating Disorder: The Journey to Recovery for Adolescents in Treatment for Anorexia and Atypical Anorexia. It can also be used as an independent resource for all suffers of an eating disorder.
Hold My Hand
Anorexia Nervosa is a devastating illness with limited treatment response and significant biopsychosocial consequences for the developing adolescent. To date, treatment has generally focused on achieving weight restoration, and while physical recovery is essential, there has been a lack of attention to psychological recovery. Parents, in their wisdom and concern for their child, have desperately asked for greater individual support for their adolescent as well as increased participation during treatment.
This skills-based manual accompanies Adolescent & Parent Treatment (APT), a treatment that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of the illness. This manual covers and guides parents in their role of supporting both physical and psychological recovery. It addresses all aspects of the illness and how renourishment must be adapted to their child’s personality traits and specific needs.
This book clearly explains why it is so difficult for their adolescent to eat; it provides clear examples how to speak to their adolescent; as well as understanding the necessity of reducing fear and increasing connection with their child by utilizing the space between meals. The book also covers the importance of parental attunement together with understanding their own emotional response to their child. The manual outlines all the anorexic behaviors and obstacles that will impede treatment and recovery.
The aim of this manual is to support and resource parents commencing treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa. It offers clear practical advice and empowers parents to confront anything the illness throws at them. It is also an invaluable resource for clinicians and will help them guide their families through both the physical and psychological aspects of treatment.
Survive FBT
Are you struggling with Family Based Treatment?
Family Based Treatment (FBT) is viewed as the gold standard in treating adolescent anorexia nervosa and it currently produces the best evidence-based outcomes. However, the treatment is intensive and many parents commence unprepared despite their courage and willingness to take on the task of refeeding their ill child to health. Parents have desperately asked for more information to help them understand anorexia’s grip on their child and to survive the intensity of the treatment. This book was written to give these parents the tools to help them “see it through” to the end.
This skills-based manual clearly explains the treatment, providing invaluable information to help parents through each component. It outlines the obstacles and all the anorexic behaviours that will impede treatment and recovery. The aim of this manual is to ensure parents remain one step ahead of anorexia and that they “hit the ground running.”
This book is a valuable resource for parents commencing FBT and for parents struggling during treatment. It offers clear, practical advice and empowers parents to confront whatever the illness throws at them. It is also an important resource for clinicians and will help them guide their families through treatment.
Survive FBT has been translated into the following languages German, Italian, Spanish,Japanese, Swedish, and Norwegian on the request of parents, health professionals and international Eating Disorder treatment centres.
Überlebe FBT - Deutsch
Kämpfen auch Sie gerade mit der familienbasierten Behandlung?
Die familienbasierte Behandlung (FBT) gilt als goldener Standard bei der Behandlung der jugendlichen Anorexia nervosa und liefert derzeit die besten evidenzbasierten Ergebnisse. Die Behandlung ist jedoch intensiv und viele Eltern beginnen unvorbereitet, trotz ihres Mutes und ihrer Bereitschaft, die Gesundheit ihres Kindes mit Hilfe der aufbauenden Ernährung wiederherzustellen. Betroffene Eltern haben verzweifelt um weitere Informationen gebeten, um den Einfluss der Magersucht auf ihr Kind zu verstehen und die Intensität der Behandlung zu überstehen.
Dieses kompetenzbasierte Handbuch erklärt die Behandlung auf verständliche Art und liefert wertvolle Informationen zu jeder Komponente der Behandlung. Es beschreibt die Hindernisse und alle von der Magersucht verursachten Verhaltensweisen, die die Behandlung und Genesung behindern. Ziel dieses Handbuchs ist es, sicherzustellen, dass die Eltern der Magersucht immer einen Schritt voraus sind und dass sie „auf dem richtigen Weg“ sind.
Dieses Buch ist eine wertvolle Informationesquelle für Eltern, die mit der FBT beginnen oder während der Behandlung mit Problemen konfrontiert werden. Dieses Buch bietet klare praktische Ratschläge und befähigt Eltern, sich mit allen Herausforderungen der Krankheit auseinanderzusetzen. Es ist auch eine unschätzbare Ressource für Mediziner und wird ihnen helfen, betroffene Familien durch die Behandlung zu führen.
Sopravvivi FBT italiano
Il trattamento basato sulla famiglia (FBT) è considerato lo standard nel trattamento dell’anoressia nervosa negli adolescenti e attualmente produce i migliori risultati basati sull’evidenza. Tuttavia, il trattamento è intenso e molti genitori iniziano impreparati nonostante il loro coraggio e la volontà di assumersi il compito di ripristinare la salute del loro figlio malato. I genitori hanno disperatamente chiesto maggiori informazioni per aiutarli a capire la presa dell’anoressia sul loro figlio e per sopravvivere all’intensità del trattamento.
Questo manuale basato sulle abilità spiega chiaramente il trattamento e fornisce informazioni preziose su ogni componente del trattamento. Delinea gli ostacoli e tutti i comportamenti anoressici che impediranno il trattamento e la guarigione. Lo scopo di questo manuale è garantire che i genitori rimangano un passo avanti rispetto all’anoressia e assicurarsi che “si mettano subito all’opera”.
Questo libro è una risorsa preziosa per i genitori che iniziano l’FBT e per i genitori che lottano durante il trattamento. Questo libro offre chiari consigli pratici e consente ai genitori di affrontare tutto ciò che la malattia getta loro contro. È anche una risorsa inestimabile per i medici e li aiuterà a guidare le loro famiglie durante il trattamento.
Sobrevivir española FBT
El Tratamiento Basado en la Familia (FBT por sus siglas en inglés) se considera el estándar de excelencia para tratar la Anorexia Nerviosa adolescente y actualmente proporciona los mejores resultados basados en la evidencia. Hay que tener en cuenta que el tratamiento es intenso y muchos padres lo empiezan sin estar lo suficientemente preparados, a pesar de su valor y deseo de asumir la función de realimentar a sus hijos para recuperar su salud. Muchos padres buscan desesperadamente información que pueda ayudarles a entender el poder que ejerce la anorexia en sus hijos, pero también para sobrevivir a la intensidad del tratamiento.
Este manual basado en habilidades explica de forma clara el tratamiento y proporciona información valiosa sobre cada componente del mismo. El libro señala también los obstáculos y los comportamientos anoréxicos que impedirán el tratamiento y la recuperación. El objetivo de este manual es asegurarse de que los padres van un paso por delante de la anorexia y que pueden empezar a trabajar en ello de manera inmediata.
Este libro es una valiosa fuente de información para los padres que se inician en el FBT, así como para padres que están luchando durante el tratamiento. Este compendio ofrece consejos prácticos y empodera a los padres para enfrentarse a cualquier situación que la enfermedad les imponga. También es una fuente importante para los terapeutas y podrá ayudarles a guiar a las familias durante el tratamiento.
FBT 日本語を生き残る
家族ベースの治療 (FBT) は、思春期の神経性食欲不振症の治療におけるゴールドスタンダードとみなされており、現在、証拠に基づいた最良の結果が得られています。しかし、治療は集中的なものであり、多くの親は、病気の子供を再び健康に戻すという任務に取り組む勇気と意欲にもかかわらず、準備ができていない状態で治療を開始します。親たちは、拒食症が子どもに及ぼす影響を理解し、過酷な治療を乗り切るためのさらなる情報を切望しています。この本は、こうした親たちに、最後まで「最後までやり遂げる」ためのツールを提供するために書かれました。 このスキルベースのマニュアルでは治療法が明確に説明されており、各コンポーネントを通じて保護者を支援するための貴重な情報が提供されます。治療と回復を妨げる障害とすべての拒食症行動について概説します。このマニュアルの目的は、親が拒食症の一歩先を行き、「全力で取り組む」ことを保証することです。 この本は、FBT を始める親や治療中に苦労している親にとって貴重な情報源です。明確で実践的なアドバイスを提供し、親が病気によって何が起ころうとも立ち向かう力を与えます。これは臨床医にとっても重要なリソースであり、治療を通じて家族を導くのに役立ちます。
Överlev FBT svenska
Kämpar du med familjebaserad behandling?
Familjebaserad behandling (FBT) ses som guldstandarden vid behandling av anorexia nervosa hos ungdomar och ger för närvarande de bästa evidensbaserade resultaten. Behandlingen är dock intensiv och många föräldrar börjar oförberedda trots deras mod och vilja att ta sig an uppgiften att återmata sitt sjuka barn till hälsa. Föräldrar har desperat bett om mer information för att hjälpa dem att förstå anorexis grepp om sitt barn och för att överleva behandlingens intensitet. Den här boken skrevs för att ge dessa föräldrar verktygen för att hjälpa dem att “se igenom” till slutet. Denna färdighetsbaserade manual förklarar tydligt behandlingen och ger ovärderlig information för att hjälpa föräldrar genom varje komponent. Den beskriver hindren och alla anorektiska beteenden som kommer att hindra behandling och återhämtning. Syftet med den här handboken är att säkerställa att föräldrar förblir steget före anorexi och att de “kommer till grunden.” Den här boken är en värdefull resurs för föräldrar som påbörjar FBT och för föräldrar som kämpar under behandlingen. Den ger tydliga, praktiska råd och ger föräldrar möjlighet att konfrontera vad sjukdomen än kastar på dem. Det är också en viktig resurs för kliniker och kommer att hjälpa dem att vägleda sina familjer genom behandlingen.
Overlev FBT norsk
Sliter du med familiebasert behandling?
Familiebasert behandling (FBT) blir sett på som gullstandarden for behandling av anorexia nervosa hos ungdom, og den gir for tiden de beste evidensbaserte resultatene. Behandlingen er imidlertid intensiv og mange foreldre starter uforberedt til tross for deres mot og vilje til å ta på seg oppgaven med å gi det syke barnet helse. Foreldre har desperat bedt om mer informasjon for å hjelpe dem å forstå anoreksiens grep om barnet sitt og for å overleve intensiteten av behandlingen. Denne boken ble skrevet for å gi disse foreldrene verktøyene for å hjelpe dem å “se gjennom” til slutten. Denne ferdighetsbaserte håndboken forklarer behandlingen tydelig, og gir uvurderlig informasjon for å hjelpe foreldre gjennom hver komponent. Den skisserer hindringene og all den anorektiske atferden som vil hindre behandling og bedring. Målet med denne håndboken er å sikre at foreldre forblir et skritt foran anoreksi og at de “treffer bakken.” Denne boken er en verdifull ressurs for foreldre som begynner på FBT og for foreldre som sliter under behandlingen. Den gir klare, praktiske råd og gir foreldrene mulighet til å konfrontere hva sykdommen kaster på dem. Det er også en viktig ressurs for klinikere og vil hjelpe dem å veilede familiene sine gjennom behandling.
Who is Maria Ganci?
Maria Ganci is a registered Clinical Mental Health Social Worker and Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist who specializes in adolescent eating disorders. Her mission is to empower families, parents, young people, and clinicians through consultation, education, training as well as individual support