Water is the giver of life and sustains all life. Humans evolved in water and are composed mainly of water therefore there is a natural resonance with the Water element.
The Water element represents cleanliness, purification, innocence, and fertility. It is the force of life and numerous creation myths recount how life emerged from primordial waters.
Water is the force that is responsible for change. Water is in constant motion and continually changing form therefore it is the symbol of transition and transformation. Water teaches us that a lack of movement results in stagnation.
Water is a feminine element. It can be soft and yielding and teaches us that we need the flexibility to move around obstacles. Yet water can be a dynamic and powerful force that can destroy anything in its path with patience and persistence.
Water can run deep holding many secrets within its depths therefore it is linked with the subconscious mind. It has a reflective nature that allows us to see our true nature. Water is also the element associated with emotions, imagination, and creativity all of which, like water, must flow to flourish.
Guided Meditation To Accompany The Water Element
Focus your attention on the water element. Connect with its continual movement. Focus on its flexibility and relentless desire to reach its goal and nourish everything on its journey. Nothing can impede its path and determination. Now turn your attention to your body and feel the water element within. Focus on your heart and feel your blood flowing from your heart through your veins providing nourishment to every extremity of your body. Turn your attention to your eyes and as you blink feel the wetness within your eyes. Move your attention to your mouth and allow your saliva to flow. Focus on water’s teachings of flexibility and its ability to adapt by changing form. Make a silent commitment to accept these precious gifts and use them when needed in any circumstance you may find yourself.