Earth is the end product of Air, Water, and Fire, all of which continually nourish and transform Earth. Without Air, Water, & Fire, Earth is unmovable. Earth represents the physicality of both our environment and body. Our substance and form were gifted to us by our Mother Earth.
Earth is the one element we can fully relate to because we are one with it . Earth is the provider of all our physical needs leaving us totally dependent on its generosity. Earth is a feminine element associated with fertility.
The Earth Element represents the material realm as well as the unchangeable and consistent aspects of life. It offers the grounding perspectives of stability, strength, patience, endurance, wealth, sensuality, prosperity and abundance. However excessive indulgence in these gifts leads to an over-dependence on the Earth element that is expressed in over-achievement and a rigid mental organisation
Earth also represents the magical realm and includes all the earth spirits that are entrusted to its care. The Earth Element is a nourishing source when we connect with her natural beauty and become attuned to her vibrational energy.
Guided Meditation To Accompany The Earth Element
Your body is Earth. You were born from Earth and therefore are one with Earth. Sit or stand in a comfortable position and feel your feet firmly on the ground as you connect with your Mother Earth who gave you life and continually sustains your life. Feel your energy flow down your body through your feet and connect with the Earth’s core where the Earth energy is continuously created. Sense the renewal of your energy as it returns to you. Spread your arms to embrace the Earth and allow your renewed energy to flow up your body and out of the palms of your hands nourishing all that resides in this world remembering that you are connected to all living things. Share your energy with love, compassion, and gratitude for all that supports and sustains you. Give thanks for all your material blessings.