Air is the carrier of all the other elements. Its winds can carry water, fire, and earth. Air is formless, therefore associated with the invisible and spiritual – a reminder that there is much more to this life than we can see.
Whilst air is invisible, we experience air as we breathe and caresses our body. Air is the giver and taker of life. We meet life with our first breath and leave with our last. Air has the ability to transform with its great strength and gentleness.
Breathing is the body’s greatest involuntary movement and it is the only involuntary movement that allows us voluntary control over the process.
The element of air is associated with the energy of our thoughts and emotions, and like air, they can be positive and supportive or become negative and destructive. Our breath has the capacity to regulate our thoughts and emotional states if we yield to its power.
The gifts of the Air Element are Flexibility – therefore we need to embrace its capacity to go around obstacles that cannot be surmounted; Expansiveness – with each breath we allow Air to widen our lungs and open our soul; and finally a sense of Lightness and Elation – each breath raises our awareness and lifts us from the mundane.
Guided Meditation to Accompany the Air Element
Air is constantly circulated within your body to create the energy your body needs to sustain your life. Air is the giver of life. Sit or stand in a comfortable position with a lowered gaze and concentrate on your breath.
With each inhale sense Air enter your nose, fill your lungs, and be carried to every cell of your body. As you breathe in, lengthen your spine and expand your arms to welcome and create space for Air. As you gently exhale bring the palms of your hands to your heart in gratitude for this gift of life. Concentrate on your breath and follow each inhale and exhale and feel the calming power of Air as it continually re-nourishes your internal landscape. Complete your meditation with three long sighs out through your mouth.